The Garden Wellness Consultation

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The Garden Virtual Wellness Consultation

Welcome to the garden of your well-being, where I am here to help you bloom, flourish, and thrive in every aspect of your life. Think of this consultation as planting seeds for your soul’s journey toward wholeness and healing.

Our Services Include:

  • Personalized Herbal Consultations: Tailored herbal remedies to support and enhance your well-being, with a focus on reproductive health and beyond.
  • Pelvic Floor Therapy: Combining hands-on clinical practice with biofeedback, we provide evidence-based support for pelvic health, guided by a deep understanding of both anatomy and personal experience.
  • Lactation Support: Expert guidance and empathetic support to help you navigate breastfeeding and lactation with confidence.
  • Childbirth Education: Holistic preparation for childbirth, drawing on both time-honored traditions and modern knowledge to empower and prepare you for the journey ahead.
  • Family Services: Comprehensive care including personalized herbal formulations, supplements, and body care products designed to meet the unique needs of your family.

Here is what to expect at your initial consultation:

We will sit together virtually for 1+ hours. During this time, I will take your health history, family health history, listen to your concerns, and learn what your journey has been up until this point. We will write the story of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Holism is all of these together. It is the balance of each individual part of you. 

Why 1+ hours… we move in spirit. Most appointments take 1 hour but occasionally, we need more time for understanding and trust. The most important part of your herbal consultation is trusting the practitioner to have your best interest at heart and trusting her belief in your healing and wholeness. 

After our consultation, A health plan will be created for you that will consist of herbal medicinals, teas, tinctures, supplements, nutritional recommendations, and lifestyle recommendations. I will create the health plan and we will discuss it at your first followup appointment.

Creating your health plan can take approximately a week to thoroughly research any contraindications or beneficial resources that are specific to your health and well being. Non complex conditions may be less than a week.

Your first followup appointment is covered in the initial fee. This appointment is approximately 30 minutes. In this appointment we will discuss your plan of care in detail. I will have all of your herbal medicinals ready for you to pick up or I can ship them. This is a time for you to ask questions that you may not have asked at the initial appointment. At this appointment we will also schedule your next followup appointment.

+Every appointment is confidential with the exception of self harm or harm to others.

++All treatments are tailor made based on our consultation and record of your health history, current health status and concerns. I work in collective with nature and in collaboration with you and your body to produce a space of healing and flourishing. 

+++Appointments are completely virtual. In person consultations are able to be requested.


Sliding Scale Fee Structure

At The Garden Collective, we believe in making holistic care accessible to everyone. We understand that financial circumstances can vary, and we want to ensure that our services are available to those who need them. Our sliding scale fee structure is designed to reflect a range of affordability, with the full price of a consultation being $150.00.

We operate on an honor system—there's no need to prove your financial situation. We simply ask that you choose the tier that best aligns with your current ability to pay, with honesty and integrity. As a small business with a deep commitment to community care, we appreciate your support and understanding.

Our Sliding Scale Tiers:

  • $25.00 Tier: For those who are experiencing significant financial hardship.
  • $50.00 Tier: For individuals and families who are facing financial challenges but can contribute a bit more.
  • $75.00 Tier: For those who are in a more stable financial position yet still seek a reduced rate.
  • $100.00 Tier: For those who can contribute more, but are still managing budget constraints.

  • $125.00 Tier: For individuals who can pay closer to the full fee while needing a discount.

Choose the tier that best fits your current financial situation and schedule your appointment with us. At The Garden Collective, we are committed to providing evidence-based, Mother Nature-approved care, rooted in love and accessibility for all.

Flourishing love, light and blessings always,

